By: Gulamhusein A. Abba
Just as Lyndon B. Johnson’s efforts to establish the Great
Society and his War on Poverty were lost on the streets of Hanoi, so also
Obama’s quest for justice, his efforts to reduce the killing federal deficit
and his war to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor in this country are
all being lost on the streets of Kandahar and Jerusalem.
Millions in USA are saying to themselves in their heart,
though they hesitate to utter it with their lips, “For God’s sake Mr.President,
end the senseless, unwinnable war in Afghanistan, and end it now. Leave the
corrupt Karzai to his own fate. Why on earth are you committing the cream of
our country to death and life-shattering injuries for two more years after
having already decided on departing from Afghanistan ? What will be gained?”
They seem to be echoing the question Lyndon B. Johnson once
famously asked in a telephone conversation
with his Special Assistant for National Security Affairs, McGeorge Bundy, on
May 27, 1964 while discussing the Vietnam War. Here is a relevant excerpt:
Johnson: I will tell
you the more, I just stayed awake last
night thinking of this thing, and the more that I think of it I don't know what in the hell, it looks
like to me that we're getting into another Korea. It just worries the hell out
of me. I don't see what we can ever hope to get out of there with once we're
committed. I believe the Chinese Communists are coming into it. I don't think
that we can fight them 10,000 miles away from home and ever get anywhere in
that area. I don't think it's worth fighting for and I don't think we can get
out. And it's just the biggest damn mess that I ever saw.
Johnson continued:
And we just got to think about it. I'm looking at this Sergeant of mine
this morning and he's got 6 little old kids over there, and he's getting out my
things, and bringing me in my night reading, and all that kind of stuff, and I just thought about ordering all
those kids in there. And what in the hell am I ordering them out there for? (Emphasis added by writer).
this soul searching he did go on ordering more and more of those “kids” to war.
Obama, who showed so much promise before and immediately
after his election to be the President of USA, and from whom the people
expected so much, is being used by powerful forces. He either does not know
that he is being so used or has sold his soul to the war hawks and the Jewish
lobby merely to retain the golden throne and all that goes with it
He should know that the continuation of the war in
Afghanistan, his paying obeisance to AIPAC and Netanyahu and assuring
continued and unconditional support to Israel while ignoring the injustices heaped on the Palestinians and
their plight, may win him the coming election but these policies are inflicting
incalculable harm on this country
There is a lesson Obama can take from the Johnson episode.
All his ordering of those “kids” needlessly into war haunted Johnson for a long
time and ultimately led to his decision not to ask for or accept his party’s nomination
for another term as President.
If Obama does not have the courage to end the destructive
policies being followed by this country, or knows that, with realities of
government being what they are in this country, he cannot do what he would like
to in these matters, he should at least have the courage of his convictions to
say, as LBJ did, “I will not seek or accept the nomination of my party for the
Obama will soon find that it is better not to have blood on
his hands and guilt on his conscience than sit on the throne for four more
As for the voters, true their choice is limited to only bad
or worse. Choosing the lesser evil is never the answer. Evil is evil and must
be avoided at all cost.
The voters need to send a strong message that they will not
support anyone who puts his own personal interests before the long term good of
the country.
The voters in the coming historic election have a third
choice. Give their support to neither Obama nor Romney. Just don’t vote for any
of them. Leave that portion of the ballot blank or vote for any independent or
the nominee of some other political party, the Green Party for example, if any
of them fields a candidate.
By this simple act the voters can and should send a clear message to both the parties and to all future contenders for the throne in Washington.